Contact Lenses Specialist

Gold Canyon Eye Center
Optometry located in Gold Canyon, AZ
Not everyone likes the way glasses look, and they don’t fit into every lifestyle. For exams, fittings, and a full selection of contact lenses, look no further than Gold Canyon Eye Center, located in Gold Canyon, Arizona. Contact lenses can correct the same vision problems as glasses, including nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. To find out if contacts are a good option for you, schedule an appointment at Gold Canyon Eye Center online or by phone today.
Contact Lenses Q & A
What are the advantages of contact lenses over glasses?
Contact lenses allow you to see more clearly, without some of the shortcomings of eyeglasses. Contacts move with your eyes to provide a wider field of vision, whereas with glasses the frames may get in the way. Though you can see what’s in front of you clearly, everything outside your glasses is still blurry because it’s outside the view of your lenses.
There’s a reason people who have active lifestyles often prefer contacts over glasses. Glasses can break, fall off, or get in the way during a number of activities. Also, if it’s rainy or foggy, you have to worry about keeping them dry so you can see clearly.
You may simply prefer the way you look without glasses. That alone is enough of a reason to switch to contacts.
Can my child wear contact lenses?
Gold Canyon Eye Center is experienced in fitting kids and teens for contact lenses, and if your child has been asking about contacts, you may wonder if they’re ready. Most children start wearing contacts at age 12 or older, but it’s not just about age. What’s more important is that your child is mature and responsible enough to handle contacts.
To wear contact lenses safely, your child needs to keep the lenses clean, practice good eye hygiene, and follow instructions, such as replacing their lenses on schedule. Consider how your child handles their current responsibilities. If they can take care of chores, homework, and personal grooming without being reminded, that’s a good sign.
What types of contact lenses are there?
Most contact lenses are soft contacts, which are made of a flexible plastic that easily fits your eye. Soft contact lenses can easily treat the most common vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia.
Gold Canyon Eye Center also carries state-of-the-art specialty lenses to correct complex vision problems. These include hybrid, scleral, color, and multifocal lenses.
If you’ve been told you’re not a good candidate for contact lenses, you may be able to wear scleral contact lenses. These are a special kind of gas permeable contact lenses that provide sharp vision correction for people with irregular corneas and other “hard-to-fit” eyes. Lars Carlson, OD, is a fellow of the Scleral Lens Society and will evaluate your eyes to see if scleral contacts will work for you.
To learn more about contact lenses and schedule a fitting or eye exam, call Gold Canyon Eye Center or book an appointment online today.